Our Christmas Opening Hours
It’s that extra special time of the year, time to catch up with friends and family, eat as much as you like of your favourite food, unwrap your presents, chillout watching those classic Christmas movies (love Elf!) or play that new game you’ve been on about all year, whilst sneaking a few more choccies when no one is looking.
When you’re fit to burst and can’t possibly manage another mouthful. When you need fresh air, but not too much as its pretty cold out there and when everyone is bouncing off the walls with energy.......then its time to get yourselves down to Inflata Nation and burn off some energy and calories at the same time.
We look forward to seeing you during the Christmas break.
We are open at the following times: *
Christmas Eve 9am – 6pm
Boxing Day 10am – 6pm
Between Christmas – New Year Open as normal
New Year’s Eve 9am – 6pm
New Year’s Day 10am – 6pm
* We are closed Christmas Day (so we can do all the above too!)

2017-12-01T13:56:39.0000000+00:00 Published by Inflata Nation on December 1, 2017 at 1:56 PM
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